AssetWise ALIM Linear Referencing Services Help

Unclosing an End-Dated Hierarchical Asset

A hierarchical asset that has been end-dated can be unclosed or re-activated. Unclosing a parent asset does not unclose a child asset; that needs to be done separately.

  1. Search for the asset whose end-date you want to reverse. Click the Details button next to the asset displayed in the Search Results dialog. The Asset details dialog opens.
  2. In the hierarchy tree, click and highlight the asset you want to unclose. In this example, a parent asset is being unclosed.

  3. Click Unclose. A confirmation message appears. Click Yes to continue.

    The message closes. The Asset details dialog also closes.

  4. Search for the asset and open it to the Asset details dialog. For an Advanced Search, turn the Include closed records switch to ON so that the end-dated asset will be included in the search.

    Note that the dialog header is no longer colored red (indicating that is end-dated) and that for the parent asset (which was unclosed) the End Date field is now cleared.

  5. Click the child asset in the hierarchy tree. Note that the child asset is still end-dated. If appropriate, the child asset must be unclosed separately.

Note: A child asset that is unclosed is not automatically added to the parent asset. If there should be a relationship to the parent asset, you will need to re-add the child asset to the parent asset.